Thoughts of a lonely mind.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
The obstacles that we face are intertwined by the ways we confront our previous struggles which test our judgments about what we perceive. The perception of the obstacle is a facade by the paradigms we have through the lessons of life learned. When one confronts their external cause of struggle, a reflection of thy self is questioned. The answers that our internal selves turn to are an awkward one that devastates our persona. The question, …

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…of one's existence establishes a point of no return, it leaves one outcast from his/her past but, unknown of the future; uncertain of the moment it shall attempt to demonstrate the change that occurred. We can amaze all that awaits us; alone, and one shall falter to their flaws. The things in our lives are transparent as it can be seen by an eye, although, many sway away from what is oblivious to them.