Thoughts and Notes on Dicken's portrait of Industrial Society in his novel "Hard Times" by Charles Dickens. Good starting point. Includes quotes + refs which may be helpful.

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Thoughts and Notes for an Essay Discussing Dicken's portrait of Industrial Society in his novel "Hard Times" Edition used. Dickens, Charles. Hard Times, ed. Kate Flint, London: Penguin Books, 1995. (It's a good starting point for writing an essay) - Dickens 'is unmistakably possessed by a comprehensive vision, one in which the inhumanities of Victorian civilisation are seen as fostered and sanctioned by a hard philosophy, the aggressive formulation of an inhuman society' (F. R Leavis) …

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…you get the impression that Dicken's believes industrialism and bourgeoisie are filled with nothing but hot air. Okay that is all I am going to write, it has taken me about half an hour. It is a good start for writing an essay on "Hard Times" by Charles Dicken's but of course it would be even better if you took what I have written here and then added your own thoughts. That would be great.