Those who Dared, comparing the play, " Odipus Rex," with the mondern contemporary world

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Essay Database > Literature > Mythology
Sophocles' play Oedipus the King gives us an example of how our destiny is set when we are born. It was prophesied when Oedipus was born that he was destined to one-day kill his father, marry his mother and have children, and then she would die at his hand. Grief stricken, Oedipus left his hometown to prevent this from happening. Oedipus did not know that the king and queen who raised him were not his …

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…comfortable with. As I have said, people invest a lot of money in psychics to foresee the future, they spend money on doctors to keep them healthy, different cultures have rituals they perform to keep away evil spirits, there are special charms and potions that protect you from evil, we pray to our god for protection. I believe all of these acts are in vain, and that what is meant to be, will ultimately be.