Those Winter Sundays

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Guilt is the central theme of the poem, "Those Winter Sundays." Upon reading this emotionally steering poem, it leaves the reader reminiscing of one's own childhood. "What did I know, what did I know of love's austere and lonely offices?" The poem's ending echo's a haunting feeling of guilt within the reader's mind. The question would be guilt of what? "Those Winter Sundays," is a poem of a father that worked very hard to support …

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…st express. In an odd retrospect, the poem seems to be a vessel the author uses to forgive not only his father but himself. "What did I know, what did I know." The author was probably a father himself by the time he has written this poem. He too has taken the father role and cannot spend much time with his family. The author now realizes that such a noble position goes unrecognized. Bibliography mine