Those Winter Sundays

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the peom "Those Winter Sundays," the author Robert Hayden uses folk motif drawn from his own experiences, but seeks inspiration from other sources as well. Robert hayden was born to a struggling couple, Ruth and Asia Sheffey. They were divorced and Hayden moved in with a foster family. Sue Ellen Westerfield and William Hayden, adn grew up in a Detroit ghetto called "Paradise Valley." he had a traumatic childhood, witnessing fights and suffering beatings. …

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…hard, but no one thanked him. The father was really kind, because he woke the boy up when he warmed teh house. He went out of the way t polish shoes for his child. Just because not knowing how to show our love, the father always appears in a serious way. That's why the boy fears the chronic andgers of that house and speaks indifferently to his father. Those caused love's austere and lonely offices.