Those Winter Sundays

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the poem, Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden, the writer seems to be appreciative towards the main character, or the "father", however he seems to be unsure of his real feelings. The poet speaks of the main character as if he feels a bit indifferent towards him. These feelings of uncertainty come across due to the usage of vivid imagery. Imagery such as, "cracked hands that ached from labor in the weekday weather" causes …

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…at the beginning of the poem forecasting to the reader that there may have been some sort of communication problem within the family. With the imagery and descriptive language used in this poem, we are able to question whether the poet feels love for the main character or simply appreciation for the services that he provides to! the family. By the end of the poem, his uncertainty seems to be the point of the poem.