Thoreau's theory that it is best to hire one who loves the job opposed to one who does not.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Henry David Thoreau once expressed his belief and theory that a job should not be about the money. It stated we all need to find a job we enjoy and love to benefit the employer and our society fully. Though Thoreau brought up many good points, his theory is greatly flawed. First of all work is not meant to be fun. A job is usually a time-consuming task that the employer did not want to …

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…hard work that people will not give unless the benefit from it. It is not the enjoyment of the job that drives someone; it is the money and well-met needs. Thoreau's theory is flawed because it is selfish. It ignores family, other individuals, and society. Though loving your work is a plus, it should not determine your job. Qualifications, salary and availability of the job comes first. Plainly, Thoreau's theory does not make much sense.