Thomas de Quincey

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Thomas de Quincey Thomas de Quincey was born in the year 1785. His birthplace was the industrial city Manchester, Lancashire, in England. He is best known for his journalistic essay, "Confessions of an English Opium Eater", which appeared in the London Magazine in 1821. This entry describes the nature and existence of an "opium-eater" and compares it to the likeness of an alcoholic and the everyday Englishman. This entry, which was written during the times of Romanticism, …

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…He was a pioneer on the altered states of Romanticism. Bibliography , . E. A. Poe Society of Baltimore. 1 Feb. 2004. . 30 Mar. 2004. <>. , . Romanticism. 30 Jan. 1999. Internet Modern History Sourcebook. 30 Mar. 2004.<>. , . Thomas De Quincey. 17 Sep. 2003. . 30 Mar. 2004. <>. , . Thomas de Quincey. 14 Feb. 2003. . 30 Mar. 2004. <>.