Thomas Hardy: the darkling Thr

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Darkling Thrush by Thomas Hardy is a poem written in December of the year 1900. This coincides with the themes of the poem itself, being a sadness and depression because it is the end of not only year, but also a century. However the poem is not all-negative, there is a sense of hope felt because of these new beginnings, a hope due to the curiosity of what the new era will bring. Stanzas one …

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…piece of poetry, not only due to language and tone of the poem, but also the fact that he manages to become a poet, within a poet describing the scene before him. Although he is the writer of the piece, he places an unknown individual in the scene, describing the feelings the dawn of a new century brings. The poem concludes cleverly with a mingling of melancholy as well as hope, a contradiction within itself.