Thomas Gradgrind Junior

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
This character is one of the negative ones in this book. He is cruel and selfish. I think that by "painting" Tom, the author, Charles Dickens, shows the impact of factual childhood, the result of this type of raising children. I hope you understood me. When I started reading this book I thought that it was uninteresting. Then I recalled that this happens every time. Every book I read seems to be uninteresting at the …

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…that he would manipulate the old banker. He thought that he would manage old Bounderby with the threat of his sister's disapproval. But he was mistaken. As we all know freedom was Tom's dream, the dream which would never come true. Even though he stole the money, ran to Australia and thought that he was free he was again mistaken. He would never be able to see his sister, beautiful Coketown and The Stone Lodge.