Thomas Edison

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THOMAS ALVA EDISON Thomas was born February 11, 1847 in Milan Ohio. He was the seventh and last child of Nancy and Samuel Edison. As a child he was very quiet, thoughtful and inquisitive. Because he was not a hardy child he did not attend school until he was 7. His teacher thought he was incapable of learning, so his mother who was a teacher took him out of school and started teaching him herself. Thomas Edison had …

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…of the United States Consulting Board. This board was formed to develop inventions that would improve the Navy. During this time he created 39 inventions of military importance. These included a listening-device for detecting submarines, an underwater search light, a water-penetrating projectile, a devise for detecting enemy airplanes and a telephone system for ships. During his lifetime Thomas patented 1,300 inventions. He worked in his West Orange laboratory until 3 weeks before his death at age 84 on October 18, 1931