This writing is a fiction story about a girl trying to get through middle school.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
" Are you blind? That was a foul! She almost took her arm off! Maggie, if she does that again, just use your elbows on her," Coach Sanderson yells. That's my coach...always yelling out commands to us, but really meaning it to the refs. "Maggie get over here!" coach yells during the other team's free throws. Slowly I jog over tho the bench where the rest of my teammates are. "Yes coach?" "You are looking …

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…surprise waiting there is Briant. Nervously he asks me to the dance. Feeling guilty over jimmy I hesitate. And then I realize that I am only in the 9th grade and life is to boring to be worrying about one guy. I don't want to look back one day and regret missing out on the fun stuff in my life just because of one person upsetting me. And with that conclusion I excitedly say, "YES!"