This research paper discusses the link between creativity and mood disorders.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Is there a Link between Creativity and Mood Disorders? For generations creative people have dealt with the stigma of mental disorder often attributed to them. The "mad" scientist, frenzied artist and profoundly intense writer; all have been common judgments of these professions for years. Despite the prevalence of these beliefs, psychological studies in this field have been sparse and often inadequate. To fill this investigative void, Ruth Richards and Dennis Kinney, Nancy Andreasen, and Kay …

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…novel provides an insider's look at how manic depression can facilitate creativity. What does this connection mean for the future of mood disorders and for artists? Jamison is particularly concerned about asserting the link, weary that patients will cease taking their medication in order to stay creative and productive (Jamison, 1995). Despite these fears and despite the studies' individual weaknesses, the evidence of a link between moderate mental illness and creativity is clear and well supported.