This report was written by Travis Weigel, "America's Identity Crisis." It talks about political correctness or lack of common identity in the USA.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
America's Identity Crisis This article is about the political correctness or lack of a common identity that stands in the way of our ability to be an American. Do we know what it means to be an American? Can we stand up and say the Pledge of Allegiance? Who not? Is it because we have lost our identity? Or is it because we aren't asked to say the Pledge of Allegiance any more? This article …

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…with pride. We know what the meaning of unity is. We do pull together in and out of times of crisis. We have and will never lose our identity. When people start criticizing America, maybe they should turn that finger inward and look into themselves. We are the people of the United States and this could not be a more perfect union. Weigel, Travis." America's Identity Crisis." Kansas State Collegian, Kansas State University February 4, 2000: 81 - 83