This report explain what is marijuana and how people think of it. It also explain how it is a drug use for many years and smuggle here to U.S.
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Essay Database > Literature
Cannabis Sativa (marijuana) has been thought to be an illegal and very harmful drug for many years. But as you read this report you will learn that marijuana has been around for many years (most years legal) and isn't as harmful as some people may think.
Marijuana has been used for many things in the past, including medicine, hemp rope, crude cloth and enjoyment. Now it is mainly used as a narcotic. Marijuana is an
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possession of drugs. In twenty years two hundred and fifty people have been hung for possession. Marijuana can be used for more than just the illegal use of getting high. As you have read, it helps in medicine and the stem can be used to make clothes or rope. Marijuana is one of the mildest drugs out there and the one of the only drugs that serves another purpose besides a "trip" or a "high".
possession of drugs. In twenty years two hundred and fifty people have been hung for possession. Marijuana can be used for more than just the illegal use of getting high. As you have read, it helps in medicine and the stem can be used to make clothes or rope. Marijuana is one of the mildest drugs out there and the one of the only drugs that serves another purpose besides a "trip" or a "high".