This paper was written about the US Army Special Forces Branch. It was written for a military science class. A-.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
Branch Paper Special Forces In the last century, the shift from conventional fighting to more aid and peace-keeping missions, along with guerrilla and insurgency fighting has created a foreign policy that now calls upon small, highly trained elite units. That is where the United States Special Forces, commonly known as the Green Berets, come in to play. The Special Forces were created in a small corner of Ft. Bragg in April of 1952. At the helm …

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…April 11, 1962, when President Kennedy wrote a White House memorandum for the United States Army that showed his continued support for the Special Forces, calling the Green Beret "a symbol of excellence, a badge of courage, a mark of distinction in the fight for freedom." <Tab/>In closing, Special Forces soldiers are of a special breed. They're tough, hard, and dedicated. They are the most badass soldiers this earth has to offer.