This paper provides the answers to the arguement, "The Macduffs are foils to the Macbeths." This is about the book Macbeth written by William Shakespeare.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
In Shakespeare's "Macbeth," the Macduffs are foils to the Macbeths because the Macduffs are good, heroic characters, and the Macbeths are evil-oriented people. Macbeth is only loyal to himself, while Macduff gets tested, and proven to be loyal to Scotland and the king. Macbeth and Macduff contrast each other in many ways, such as Macbeth's inability to have a family, while Macduff's most precious thing in his life is his family. Lady Macbeth and Lady …

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…feels responsible for the murders and it takes an enormous toll on her. William Shakespeare created the perfect foils in "Macbeth," writing two sets of characters that epitomize the words opposite and contrast. The Macbeths and Macduffs differ on every issue and character trait in the play, from their views on family and children to their views on morality, loyalty, and honor. That is why the Macduffs are foils to the Macbeths in Shakespeare's "Macbeth."