This paper is about why the 1920's was an influencial decade.

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Pages: 9
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Essay Database > History > North American History
Why the 1920=s Was One of The Most Influential Decades AIt was during what we might call the Flapper period, or the Jazz Age or the Roaring Twenties that American popular culture began to capture the imagination of the worldY[America] was inventing its own modernityY@(Mulvey 2). The 1920=s was a time of drastic change in several areas of American culture. Changes occurred because of the new role of women, new kinds of entertainment, a …

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…lt;>. Schultz, Stanley K. Women, Feminism , and Sex in Progressive America. 1999. Boardof Regents of the University of Wisconsin System. 11 Dec. 2002.<>. The Jazz Age: Flapper Culture and Style. Louis Brooks Society. 12 Dec. 2002.<>. United States Of America. 10 Dec. 2002.<http://www.1920'>.