This paper is about the debates between the natural sciences and the social sciences. It covers the theories of naturalism and antinaturalism.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
Assignment #1 Fall 2002 Throughout the study of the philosophy of Political Science there have been many debates over how to proceed with studying the discipline. I, along with Daniel Little, believe that one debate in particular rests at the center of both old and more modern conflicts within the profession--naturalism versus antinaturalism. It is this relationship between the social sciences and the natural sciences, or lack of a relationship according to some, which has been the …

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…laws in social sciences. 2. In social sciences the actions which we observe are inevitably tainted with our own experiences and values, as well as by the person being observed. 3. In order to understand a social event we need to take it apart and look at the underlying processes. 4. We need to focus on the problems that are relevant to our lives. 5. We need to focus on "thick descriptions" as opposed to only observable "thin descriptions."