This paper is about Imperialism in India. I had to write it for my AP-World History class after I watched the movie "Gandhi."

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Movie: Gandhi The movie Gandhi was about the impact Mahatma Gandhi made on India in gaining its independence from Britain and how the Hindus and Muslims utilized non-violent protests to achieve this goal. This film reflects imperialism in the sense that what went on in the video clearly supported the exact definition of the word imperialism. Imperialism is the policy of extending the rule or influence of a country over another country. Indeed this was …

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…ways and modern thinking. Nehru can be regarded as Gandhi's right hand man. They remained friends till the end, when Gandhi was assassinated. Gandhi was a historically correct movie that revolved around the views, ideas, and works of Mahatma Gandhi. This film describes the life and times of Gandhi, Indian political leader who managed to free his country from the British rule using peaceful means and thus giving hope and inspiration for generations to come.