This paper is a personal story of my travel to a part of town that has a high amount of people of a particular ethnic make up. It was part of a personal experience for a education class.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
Title: Field Trip America is sometimes referred to as a 'nation of immigrants' because of our largely open-door policy toward accepting foreigners pursuing their vision of the American dream. In cities across the United States you will find people of every race ethnicity, ethnocultural or cultural group, some more diverse than others. Unfortunately, in some places, we blind ourselves to the richness of what some cultures have to offer—the history, the values—preventing ourselves …

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…similar to the time when I traveled overseas, it did not matter what my race, ethnicity, culture or ethnocultural group was, and I was treated with respect. Before traveling overseas, friends said to me, "They hate Americans over there!" And when I traveled there, I did not experience anything like that at all. The people there treated me with respect, they were very polite. That was the same experience I had during this field trip