This paper investigates how the reforms of 1991 have helped the Indian handicraft industry. It also provides a roadmap for future consideration.

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Pages: 13
(approximately 235 words/page)

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The Liberal Artisan in the Global Village Miss Universe Australia- Jennifer Hawking ran away with the coveted beauty title in a brocade gown; a $25,000 gold creation by Sydney designer Bora at the grand finale; the gown was all Zari, Rs 45 a meter, with value addition and made in our very own Gurgaon. Now that's globalisation! Is the handicrafts sector in India going down the path of no survival? I started this paper with this question …

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… Internet. Export Promotion Council. Online. Accessed on 11 June 2004. Internet. HHEC (handicrafts Export Corporation of India). Online. Accessed on 24 June 2004. Internet. Indian Carpet Export Promotion Council. Online. Accessed on 31 May 2004. Internet.