This paper discusses the differences and similarities in child rearing between two different ethnicities: Indian vs. Haitian.

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Essay Database > Literature
Parenting is an art, a science, a gift, and sometimes a headache. There never seems to be enough time to get the basics done, let alone shape a child's mind. Parents and children seek to discover adequate ways of reasoning about child rearing techniques and how to apply these ideas to everyday life. This may sound clichéd but in actuality it is how we all live our lives. The how's and …

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…to Haiti in her early twenties where she would find her husband and get married. Dorca's mother and father stayed in Haiti till Dorca's mother got pregnant with her older brother. After finding out that she was pregnant her mother and father went to America to ensure his birth and citizenship to be in America. This scenario was different then my mother's because instead of going back to her native land Dorca's mother in Dorca's