This paper deals with the evil between the characters in East of Eden as well as how they affect one another.

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
East of Eden is an in-depth look at different people who are all related to one another and the effect they have on each other. Written by John Steinbeck, this book deals with good vs. evil in Salinas Valley during the early 1900's. It also displays the amount of evil that is in one family and how it grows among people. Caleb and Cathy are the main characters with evil boiling inside of them. Cathy, …

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…most, their family. They both struggle to leave their evil past and start a new future. Cathy, the dominant evil character, was born evil and remains evil for her entire life. She affects many people, and, because of her, other characters like Adam struggle in regaining their life. Everyone in their lives commit an evil act, but only certain people like Cal and Charles can try to fix their wrongs by doing many good deeds.