This is the book report of, "Of Mice and Men." by John Steinbeck. Also includes my opinion of the book.

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Essay Database > Literature
The story begins with two men that are walking down a dirt road. One of the men was named Lennie and the other was named George. As they were walking, George was cursing and complaining about the bus driver, who had dropped them off four miles to early. They now had to walk the four miles, until they were at their new job. George rested for a while, as Lennie left to get some wood …

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…is a book for older teenage readers because some of its comic mischief, violence, and inappropriate language. Teenage readers who enjoy sad, dramatic, and adventurous stories will most likely enjoy this story. This story has been written by John Steinbeck, who has also written other sad, dramatic and adventurous stories. Those who have read and enjoyed this story may also enjoy reading other stories by John Steinbeck, such as The Red Pony and The Pearl.