This is sample treatment plan and assessment based on a fictional case study.

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<Tab/>The purpose of this interview was to assess the patient's need for addiction treatment by reviewing patient's present and previous usage history, emotional and behavioral stability, and potential for relapse, environment, pertinent medical conditions, and willingness or desire for treatment. An interview and medical records gathered this data. Name: Stan Jacobson<Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/&…

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…group are also recommended. Client needs to develop a support network. Continual work on self- image, goal setting, and relationship issues is advised. A comprehensive exploration of suicidal fantasies is strongly recommended. A psychological assessment is also recommended to address any possible mood or anxiety disorders, with continual monitoring and adjustment as needed. Coping skills training and stress management activities are recommended. Arrangements have been made for client to begin outpatient treatment on Monday, May 16, 2005.