This is french revision notes for GCSE standerd students on french grammer Ie pronoun preposition conjunction etc.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
French revision The girl quickly makes a delicious cake in the Kitchen. The = definate article Girl= noun (subject) Quickly= adverb Makes= verb A = indefinate article Delicious =adjective Cake = noun (direct object) In = preposition The = definate article Kitchen = noun -The definate article is the grammatical name given to the word 'the'. The indefinate article is the name given to the word 'a' or 'an.' A noun is a person, place, thing or animal (eg. Tom, …

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…verb done directly to it; ie, being made by the girl.) Questions The clumsy goalkeeper suddenly dropped the ball. 1) What is the subject? The goalkeeper 2) Find the verb. Dropped 3) Find the adjective a) Clumsy 4) Find an adverb Suddenly 5) Find a definate article The He dropped it at my feet and I scored 6) Find an object pronoun It = The ball 7) Find a preposition. At 8) Find a noun. a) feet 9) Find a conjunction and The indefinate article