This is description of my visit to the Narmada Valley in India, it discusses the implications of sustainable development, appropriate technologu and small dams in this specific context.

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A Road to the River Varna Sri Raman A Journey for the Mind Until very recently, one of the things that I was very proud of was my firm resolve about things. I could make a decision and stand by it, come what may. This was until recently. This firm belief in my capacities arose perhaps from being able to come through trying times fairly unscathed. It is not so anymore. My capacity to stick …

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…the will to live and survive. Most importantly, I realize that this privileged location which I possess is privileged only when it matters to those whom I have denied. Today, when I close my eyes, I can see the sun glinting on the Narmada, its waters silent yet loud, I can see the borders of two different states across a huge mass of water, with one people and their wish to live a dignified life.