This is complete with laws which assist Migrants in Australia

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Physics
Introduction Migrants are the people who make Australia a booming multicultural society. However there are many disadvantages for this group of people. The Status of migrants under Australian law, the mechanisms available for migrants to achieve justice and the effectiveness of the legal system to respond to this disadvantage are all factors which influence the lifestyle of migrants. Australia has come a long way for achieving equality for migrants. Various Categories of migrants To become …

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…effective in benefiting some migrants, the conditions faced by illegal immigrants portray the fact that multiculturalism is in fact not completely effective in achieving it's task of maintaining a harmonious and culturally diverse society. There have been many laws put in place to provide impartiality to migrants, though it may seem that Australia is definitely not a completely a migrant accepting nation, even though steps have been taken. Nevertheless, Australia is a culturally diverse nation.