This is an informitive paper about the types of abusive men and explains why they are abusive.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
"Nearly one quarter of women in the US, more than 12 million, will be abused by a current or former partner some time during their lives"(Tigress 1). The same researcher also estimated that about 52% of female murder victims were killed by a current or former partner. Why are so many men abusive? Is it alcohol and drugs or are there other underlying reasons? What causes a man so much rage that they feel necessary to beat …

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…went through, a cobra's motives in their abuse is to protect themselves from once again being controlled. A man who chooses to abuse the women in his life is not justified by the underlying reasons he does so. His actions are not to be taken lightly whether they are recurrent or not. If a man has an abuser profile then his actions will not cease unless the basis of the problem is acknowledged or met.