This is an exemplification essay on Road rage.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health & Beauty
What is road rage and why should you care about it? Who are the offenders? What inspires their irrational outbursts of rage? Who is effected by this behavior and how? Today many people develop dangerous driving habits such as road rage, aggressive driving, speeding, improper or lack of turn signal use, improper passing, parking improperly, talking on a cell phone, impoliteness and other various distractions. However, I am going to focus on Road Rage. Road …

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…and pay attention to your surroundings. Don't yell or use obscene gestures, don't block the passing lane, always signal when changing lanes, be courteous, and most importantly don't take other drivers actions personally; everyone makes mistakes. No matter where you are from, or where you live today, it is important to understand road rage and aggressive driving, so you can do your best to keep away from situations that might involve an accident or worse.