This is an essay which deals with contrasts during act #1 of Romeo and Juliet.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
William Shakespeare used contrast to synthesize an element of intensity, for the audience's benefit. The use of contrast appears frequently in act one of 'Romeo and Juliet'. Contrast in moods, characters and setting aids in establishing theme and conflict throughout the story. The mood of act one is altered from one scene to the next. In act one, we start with the Capulet servants enjoying a joyous and light-hearted conversation. However, when servants of the …

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…place mostly at night in secret. The hatred between the two families is expressed through scenes that occur mostly in the daytime and in public. The feud is never hidden. William Shakespeare used many different writing devices when he wrote his plays. In Act I of 'Romeo and Juliet', the use of contrasts between characters, setting, and ideas were often used to develop the story, and more importantly, the messages that Shakespeare wished to portray.