This is an essay that takes place in Ancient Rome, from the perspective of a Slave who was captured in war and must teach the children of his new master.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Teaching: A New Beginning My name doesn't matter. I was just a slave of Rome. I mean, now that my sepulcher, tomb, has been inscribed, and an epitaph placed on, I am just a story in the wind. See, I started out in this world a free man in Greece, and by the time I was 20, the ups and downs of my life became more and more frequent, and my life became almost total anarchy, …

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…a disappointed tone. "I can't seem to keep your attention, so go find something resplendent or lustrous to hold your attention. Maybe the shiny objects can actually hold your attention, if I can't," I cautiously thought out loud. "See you tomorrow," Alexander and Achilles said in a unified relieved tone. And so I said goodbye to the children for the day, after telling them what I had hoped to teach them during our time together.