This is an essay that relates the song "Enter Sandman" by Metallica to Enkindu's dream from the Epic of "Gilgamesh".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Metallica's, Enter Sandman brings you deep into the mind of a dreaming Enkidu. The booming drums introduce you to those who " sit in darkness; with dust in their food and clay in their meat." The ringing electric guitar brings you face to face with Ereshkigal, the Queen of the Underworld. The long strokes of the bass guitar cause the servants that fetch baked meats to come alive. Then as all the of the instruments clash …

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…of a heart the bass drums continue to roar until Enkidu sees the tablet in Ereshkigals hand. Then the electric guitar kicks in again and Enkidu awakes furiously. "He is like a man drained of blood who wanders alone in a waste of rushes." These violent "rushes" are portrayed perfectly as the beat of the guitar becomes more violent. Then the music calms and the lyrics begin, just as Enkidu's heart stops pounding with terror.