This is an essay that argues as to whether or not the "Progressive Era" was truely progressive or really retrogressive

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The Progressive era lasted from 1900 to 1920. There was a great deal of change in everything. The economy changed, politics changed, and even society and the way that people interacted with each other changed. Some people think that this was a retrogressive era, where racism flourished against African Americans and immigrants, and foreign policy was too aggressive. Others think that this was a progressive era, where equality was finally given to women who had waited for …

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…and its downsides through out history. People are not perfect. They have flaws, and it is people who make the United States what it is and what it will be. So the Unites States will always have flaws. Racism and America's subconscious need to be involved are its major flaws. But on the other hand the United States is always trying to better itself and change the ways that have caused conflicts through out time.