This is an essay regarding the theme of symbolism in Rosario Ferre's work The Youngest Doll. The specific theme is the use of dolls as a representation of women.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Rosario Ferré uses dolls in her writing to symbolize the methods in which society holds down women in Puerto Rico as well as throughout the world. In "The Youngest Doll," Ferré sets the precedent that dolls are equal to the maiden aunt's nieces, by stating, "The aunt had continued to increase the size of the dolls so that the height and other measurements conformed to those of each of …

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…exist, as long as the memory exists such as when Allende states, "he [the tenor] realized that with the last note the captain would wake from his reverie and the memory of nina Eloisa would disappear forever (276)." <Tab/>Not being able to speak and nina Eloisa disappearing are magical realism examples that demonstrate the theme of love existing without verbal communication. <Tab/><Tab/>