This is an essay on the topic if heakthcare should be maintianed even if it means raising taxes.

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Essay Database > Law & Government
RICKIE-LEE KEIKO SUGIYAMA SOCIALS 11 MR ADEY MAY 7 2003 ESSAY ON POLITICS Over the past year the Canadian Government has been making educational and healthcare cuts. These cuts have regulated the future of the children and healthcare. The cuts have laid off teachers, doctors, and nurses, which is the reason for increases in unemployment. Raising taxes to maintain healthcare and education will not be good because then it will decrease consumer rate, although it is good also …

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…being used. Therefore, people in society have their reasons that are for and against raising taxes in order to maintain education and healthcare. Reasons such as, increase in unemployment and decrease in consumer rate. While others think the raise is needed for the future of the children. Since in life today you need education to become successful and need healthcare to prevent diseases. Healthcare and education should be maintained, even if it means raising taxes.