This is an essay on the French Revolution.

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Essay Database > History > European History
Revolutions are generally the result of political problems, economical problems, social reasons, or a combination of all these factors. The French Revolution of 1789-1799 was one of the most important events in the history of the world. It questioned the authority of kings, priests and nobles. The primary cause of the revolution was the dispute over the people's differing ideas of reform. It was essentially a revolution of all classes of society against the old …

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…the tax system, since unlike in a normal system, where the rich are taxed to help the poor, the poor were taxed to make the rich even richer. The peasants especially grieved the seigniorial system, which allowed greater income disparity in France and a real separation of classes. It was these grievances that the three estates had, which consequently led to the beginning of the revolution of the classes in France, against the 'ancien regime'.