This is an essay on Hedda Gabler and how she needs to find happiness.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Hedda Gabler's Obsession with Happinness Finding happiness can be a struggle in many people's lives. Happiness comes from one allowing his/her self to deal with emotional stress and to accept the life that he/she has. In the story of "Hedda Gabler," Henrik Ibsen's shows how people's sadness can be the cause of a woman's happiness. Hedda Gabler struggles in this story to find happiness by making the people around her miserable. Hedda's upbringing …

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…had only cared for one person and that was Eilert Loevberg. Because of his social status, she did not marry him. This awful decision ruined her life. She longed to be with Eilert. This obsession causes her to destroy Mrs. Elvsted, Eilert, and lastly herself. In the end she realizes that her life is empty without Eilert, and she commits suicide. It's sad to see how opinions of others cause a woman to go insane.