This is an essay discussing whether or not AIDS testing should be mandatory.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
AIDS, unfortunately is all too prevalent in our society today. Many people worry if they are at risk of being infected. With the proper precautions, the chances of being infected with HIV are slim. With this epidemic of HIV and AIDS come many controversial issues, probably because of the nature of the disease-it being sexually transmitted and greatly associated with the gay community. One of these issues being whether or not HIV testing should be …

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…be practicing medicine to begin with. I also think that all pregnant women should be tested for HIV. Why not? There is really no reason not to, it is for the health of their unborn child. If they find out early they can prevent the infant from becoming infected as well. As for any other groups of people, I do not think that AIDS testing should be mandatory. It should be up to the person.