This is an essay comparing the light and dark reactions of photosynthesis and C3 and C4 plants.
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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Light reactions in photosynthesis involve the absorption and use of light. The reactions take place in the thylakoid membrane where chlorophyll and other kinds of smaller organic molecules are present. There are two types of photosystems, photo system I and photo system II. The reaction center in photo system I is knon as P700 and the reaction center in Photosystem II is P680. The splitting of a water molecule is required to extract electrons for
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and use the CAM pathway for transportation. In the Calvin cycle, Carbon dioxide enters the cell, and attaches to a five-carbon sugar. The RUBP caboxylase catalyzes the compound. The product of the reaction is a six-carbon intermediate. Then, a pair of electrons donated from NADPH reduces 3-bisphosphoglcerate to G3P which stoares for potential energy. Then the cycle uses 3 more molecules ATP and RuBP is prepared to receive CO2. The sugar produced is G3P
and use the CAM pathway for transportation. In the Calvin cycle, Carbon dioxide enters the cell, and attaches to a five-carbon sugar. The RUBP caboxylase catalyzes the compound. The product of the reaction is a six-carbon intermediate. Then, a pair of electrons donated from NADPH reduces 3-bisphosphoglcerate to G3P which stoares for potential energy. Then the cycle uses 3 more molecules ATP and RuBP is prepared to receive CO2. The sugar produced is G3P