This is an essay about the internment of the men at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and the court proceedings which took place afterward

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
With our ongoing "war on terrorism," Americans have become ridiculously paranoid to terrorist attack. We go to extreme measures to keep ourselves safe, even if it means that we are giving up some of our Constitutional rights. We have even gone to such actions as the declaration of war on Iraq, the heightening if airport security, the placement of further restrictions on immigration, and the internment of foreign nationals on counts of terrorist involvement. As …

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…American Bar Association, therefore, we can look to that case for opinion and bar for our cases of Rasul and Odah. Given that under Eisentrager, writs of habeas corpus are not available to aliens held outside the sovereign territory of the United States, and thus, the United States does not have legal jurisdiction to entertain the claims made by Rasul or Odah. Both cases were dismissed for want of jurisdiction, as they should have been.