This is an essay about the annexation of western lands during the 1800s. It includes annexation of Texas, Oregon and western lands of Mexico.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Annexation of Western Lands During the early 1800's, an abundance of land and other natural resources lured American pioneers westward. Fur traders, cattle ranchers, farmers, and miners led the push to the west. Merchants and other business people followed. These hard-working men and women faced great dangers, endured severe hardships, and suffered loneliness and boredom in the hope of making a better life for themselves and their children. Some of them looked to the west …

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…a great deal of history and produced many changes in our country. BIBLIOGROPHY 1) Boorstin, Daniel J. and Brooks Mather Kelly. A History of the United States. Needham: Prentice Hall, 1996. 2) Blum, Schlesinger, Jr. The National Experience: A History Of The United States. 6th ed. New York: Harcourt Brace Hovanovich, 1985, December 10, 2002. 3) Feldmeth, Greg D. "U.S. History Resources", December10, 2002.