This is an essay about the Women and child in Middle East, how Taliban treated them

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Human Rights in Afghanistan In Afghan the regime is under the Taliban. The key ministries are the mullahs. Their aim is to make Afghan into the "purity of Islam". They suppress all the activities and limited women and children's activities in the society. Women in Afghan, they have to be covered in the shroud-like Burqa veil. A Burqa is a garment that covers women from head to toe, the heavy gauze patch across the eyes …

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…are being prosecuted for engaging in consensual sexual activity -- in some areas, the police randomly pick up girls and women and subject them to forced virginity tests." Basically, women and children are totally controlled by the Taliban. Is Taliban doing the right thing which is base on what it said on the Quran? What about the human rights? Is the punishments humanity? All of them are the problems that Afghan citizens are suffering from.