This is an essay about my view on my parents' divorce. I made it as vivid as I could to let others see how hard it can be, but to just realize that things will heal with time.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
For some kids, the death of a parent or even a close relative is enough to turn their world upside down. They go through withdrawal, denial, depression and sometimes make themselves sick. They will never be the same. For me these feelings came as a result of my parents last argument of every kids dreaded thought: Divorce. About three years ago, my parents had the most ear-piercing argument in their room. I couldn't stand listening …

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…I was such a little girl then, but I can tell I've matured. I accept their divorce now. How could they have stayed together if they were not happy? I couldn't live with that type of family! I'm one of the lucky kids though. I get to see BOTH of my parents still and when they're near each other, the police are never needed like some other parents I know. I can live with that.