This is an essay about my committment to the future of the U.S.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
My commitment to the security and future of the United States of America is based upon basic morality as well as enlightened self-interest. As citizens of this country we continuously reap the benefits that the United States has to offer its people. And for this one simple reason we owe it to our country to make an effort to somehow give back. In any era there are different protagonists, playing the same game on a …

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…American is bright. America's future is not, after all, a runaway train heading towards a metaphoric brick wall. But the only way to correct these problems is through the effort and concern of every United States citizen. Without the commitment of many supportive individuals to the future of our country, we face a great challenge. But if we band together as one united group then that challenge will become nothing more than a small obstacle.