This is an essay about medeival medicine

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
In medieval times, if the person had a broken arm, the physician would tie chives around the limb in hopes that this would take away the pain, or if a patient came in with pneumonia, the herbalist might give them some flat-leaved parsley to eat.1 Today, if someone were to go to a physician who prescribed those treatments, they would either laugh or file a complaint, because they know that those cures are ridicules and …

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…time were able to diagnose illness correctly. Lastly, many of the people who practiced medicine then were not education in their profession, which caused many problems and fatalities. Taken as a whole, these problems all could have been prevented if they did not have medicine at all during this time period, and they would have been much better of without it, because of this lack of education, the horrible surgeries, and lack of diagnostic knowledge.