This is an essay about king lear and how it used several literary elements.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In King Lear one of the most important themes is blindness. In King Lear both Lear and glouscter are blind. In this book blindness is not a physical quality but a mental flaw that some people have. Both King Lear and glouscter are good examples of blindness. Each of these characters's blindness was the main cause of the bad decisions they made. The blindest character in my mind was King Lear. Because of Lear's high …

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…but was mentally blind; but his ability to see the true nature of his sons occurred after having his eyes plucked out by the Duke of Cornwall. Gloucester was the only one in the play that died because of his tragic flaw. Unlike Lear and Gloucester, Albany didn't suffer much during his fight with blindness. Not only did he survive his battle, but he lived to remain the ruler of what was once Lear's kingdom.