This is an essay about industrialization in the united states. IT shows the negative effects of industrialization.

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Essay Database > History > World History
The industrial world has had many good, as well as bad effects on American society. The United States economy rose greatly; however, the people suffered. Women were not able to work and the building of houses created overpopulated areas. There was always a cause and effect. The effect was mostly negative. People were not benefiting from the industries. A major problem in the United States was immigration. There had been so many immigrants coming that …

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…to raise the income tax for the government to control over the railroads. Farmers were using their savings to try to make profits out of the railroads. <Tab/>Industry has not always had a good effect on American society. From the points in this essay you could see how this could be true. The growth of industry did indeed have a great impact on society. However this impact wasn't all positive.