This is an essay I had to write describing an experience of a memorable experience and describing a time in your life... A discriptive-memoir type.

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Summer Thrills I've always been a daring person. I like to take chances and try new and different things. It makes me feel more alive when I do these types of things. It's a way for me to enjoy my life. It's exciting and fun, too. I believe if you don't take any chances; your life will be very dull and boring. When you take chances, you always risk something whether it's your life, money, …

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…admit I was brave to be the only one that tried the rope swing. However, swimming by ourselves in a current that was actually pretty strong wasn't really smart. One of us could have been swept up by the current and drowned. But back then; I thought I was a tough and crazy kid for trying and getting away with it. That summer, we were always searching for better thrills. And that was good ...then.